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It is not enough that we simply graudate high school, or even go to college. We must also learn our history. History gives knowledge, pride, and power.

Contrary to popular belief, our ancesotrs taught europeans mathematics and science. We had empires while europeans were still in caves. Remember, we come from the world's first people, and we have the dominant genes.

Solution: Enroll in African/Black studies classes. Read from Black authors. Wathc our documentaries. Have pride  in yourself and encourage those around you to do so also.

Black Social Interaction

We are scared of eachother. We can be our worse enemies. We do not look our for eachother like we should, we do not support eachother economically or emotionally. We fight eachother and give eachother dirty looks. We do not trust eachother.

Short Solution: When you see another Black person, smile, say hello. Compliment eachother. Join Black organizations. Embrace eachother's Blackness.Do no wrong onto eachother.

Black Economy

Black Americans spend billions annually, yet less than half a percent of that returns to our communities and businesses.

Solution: Shop Black Owned, Start Black Owned Businesses,and Save.





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